Sunday, April 4, 2010


hey all.

welcome to novanoteblog. i named it novanote because what will probably happen is (if it takes off) will get big for a while then become unknown again, much like a nova star. all makes sense now, huh? lol

this blog is about anything and everything. however, since its a first post, i feel like i must lay down some home rules. first, please keep any and all comments clean. other than that one rule, feel free to comment. i want to hear your honset opinions on my posts and i dont mind criticism as long as its constructive. secondly, this is my blog, so the grammer will be bad, nay, horrible. thirdly, and lastly, if you have a suggestion for a post or a suggestion, id rather that you emailed it to me or send me a message instead of putting it in the comments section, just so i dont see 5 comments on a post and get all excited, only to be crushed when i find out theyre all suggestions and dont pertain to anything in the post at all lol

well, that pretty much sums it up. i hope that everybody out there can find something to like in my blog, since it doesnt (at least not yet) have a central theme. goodbye, and have a good day!


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